
My birth wouldn’t have been nearly as peaceful and stress-free without Logan.
— Katey H, Birth Doula Client

“The first time I talked with Logan, I knew she had to be our doula. Even though she had less experience than other doulas I spoke with, she made me feel so comfortable - like a friend - and that was the main thing I was looking for. I felt like she was just as excited for my birth as I was, and she was clearly very prepared to support me in any way I needed during my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. I cannot express how helpful she was to both me and my husband during labor. She provided both physical and emotional support, and also offered suggestions for new positions and other things to help me progress and stay as comfortable as possible. And even though she did so much, it felt like she was mostly in the background, helping my husband support me, so that it still felt like it was just the two of us. I had the empowering, unmedicated water birth of my dreams, and as someone who was initially hesitant to hire a doula, I will say that I COULD have done it without her, but I wouldn’t want to! My birth wouldn’t have been nearly as peaceful and stress-free without Logan. Even my shy two-year-old couldn’t wait for Logan to come for our postpartum home visit (to which she brought us gifts, our birth story, and a home-cooked meal!). I absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.”

— Katey H., Birth Doula Client

My biggest fear during labor was not being able to have my husband, my advocate, be with me during labor. Our initial plan was to have our toddler at the hospital with us during labor. We quickly found out that wasn’t possible, and feared that we wouldn’t have adequate childcare since our parents are an hour and a half away minimum. Having the additional level of support from a doula was so comforting. To have another advocate for me while I was in labor, even if it was via text, phone, and Facetime, was so helpful in keeping me calm and centered during labor.

Having Logan talk me through my contractions and encourage me when I wasn’t sure if I was progressing, encourage me to listen to my body, and help me decide when to leave for the 40-minute drive to the hospital was beyond beneficial. I labored for 10+ hours, and Logan was available to me the entire time, despite it being overnight and having two small children of her own. Having Logan available to me 24/7 to talk me through my decisions without pushing an agenda was amazing.

I would absolutely recommend Logan as a virtual doula to any of my friends and family - having her support was beyond incredible and so beneficial to the birth of my son.

- Molly M., Virtual Doula Client

Having Logan available to me 24/7 to talk me through my decisions without pushing an agenda was amazing,
— Molly M., Virtual Doula Client
I got some much-needed rest before the baby came, it was invaluable.
— Devin M., Virtual Doula Client

I hired Logan as my virtual doula. I was so uncomfortable in my last trimester and was complaining to her about my lack of sleep, and my constant pain. She sent me a bunch of positions to try for some relief, walked me through them, and even coached my partner on how to help me get into them. I was finally able to get into a comfortable position to stretch my core for the first time in what felt like six months, and I am so thankful for her help. I got some much-needed rest before the baby came, it was invaluable.

- Devin M., Virtual Doula Client